• Housing and Equipment

    Enclosures Heating Lighting Enclosures It's worth committing a lot of attention to creating the perfect home for your amphibian or reptile to ensure its safety and because they are great hiders when they escape! Key determinants for how to house your species are its adult size, activity level and

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cages Bedding/Substrates Hide/Sleeping Box Toys and Activities Carrier Cages Choosing the right cage is important to make sure your pet has the space and components it needs to create a satisfying home. It is important for creating the microenvironment small animals need for optimum comfort

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cages Litterbox Exercise Area Toys Cages Rabbits have strong legs meant for active living, such as running and jumping and are very social creatures. That is why they need daily exercise. They also need a cage with room to maneuver placed in a location around household activity. At a minimum,

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  • Kitten Care

    When kittens are born, they are completely dependent on their mothers. They don't have any vision or hearing until between two and five weeks. At one month old, kittens learn to walk, run, jump and play by observing their mother and interacting with their litter mates. By the time kittens reach three

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  • Pet Loss

    The end of a pet's life can be one of the most difficult and emotional responsibilities associated with pet ownership, whether the animal dies of old age, an illness or an accident. All pet owners know that, at some point, their pet is going to die. But the reality is always harder than anything imagined,

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Exercise In the natural environment, cats spend their days hunting for prey. They run and jump, hide and pounce, bat and play until they've completed their kill. Today, most pet cats are indoor creatures and do not need to defend themselves from predators or hunt for food. You need to give your cat the

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Daily Exercise Birds are active pets and need space and time each day to fly outside the cage. They also benefit from having perches in their cages at different heights to hop and jump around on and lots of toys for chewing and climbing. Just be sure no toxic materials are used and that all objects in

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Daily Exercise Exercise is important to maintaining healthy muscles, bones and joints in dogs and for keeping major organs functioning smoothly. Dogs that get adequate exercise daily tend to look good, feel good and live longer. Exercise helps work off excess energy in dogs so that they can act more

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Daily Exercise Just as with humans, herptiles need daily activity to remain healthy. For amphibians and some reptiles, this means swimming. For terrestrial animals, physical activity includes climbing and hunting. Your pet’s enclosure should allow it enough space to move around comfortably. Including

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    The activities you provide for your small animal serve both as a form of exercise and mental stimulation. In addition to companionship, your little critters need activity for their health and well-being. Most activities relate to their burrowing and chewing instincts. Your pets will play together and

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  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Daily Exercise Activity is a vital part of keeping a rabbit happy and healthy. Your rabbit will need time to roam outside of its cage for a few hours every day. There needs to be enough space for the bunny to hop, jump and run. You can place some toys or digging materials in the exercise space to encourage

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  • Reptile Glossary

    Amphibian - Cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water and on land, including frogs and toads, salamanders and newts and caecilians. Anthropod - A group of limbed and jointed animals that have external skeletons, including insects, arachnids and crustaceans. Aquatic - Animals living in water. Arachnid

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  • Socialization

    Cats are easily stressed, which is why they depend so much on routine. As a result, anything new can be a problem for them. You need patience and consistency to give cats time to get comfortable with any changes, new people and new behaviors. With You With Another Cat With a Dog or Other Pet

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  • Socialization

    With People With Children and Infants With Multiple Dogs With Cats and Other Pets With People It is important to get your dog used to meeting new people from the youngest age possible. Some breeds are naturally sociable; others are reticent. You'll want your dog to be friendly without being

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  • Socialization

    With People Generally, rodents are sociable creatures with their own kind — and with people. But they do have to have a level of comfort with people before they can relax and have fun. Be sure to acclimate your small animals to anyone who will handle them. Give them time to become familiar with each

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  • Special Needs

    Travel Taking a cat out of its regular domain is causes extreme stress. That's why your cat races out of the carrier and hides as soon as it comes home from the vet. It is not recommended that you take cats on trips. Find a friend or pet sitter who can come to your home and feed and play with your cat

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  • Special Needs

    Travel When traveling with a bird, you need to create a microenvironment that mirrors the bird's regular habitat. Portable cages are available, although you need to be careful about any collapsible parts. Be sure to have plenty of toys in the traveling cage and give your bird food and water regularly.

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  • Special Needs

    Travel By Car Many dogs enjoy car rides, especially with the window down, the air blowing across their coats, and the movement, sights and sounds. But some dogs are fearful of car rides or behave in annoying or dangerous ways. You need to take your dog on a few short car rides to understand how it behaves

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  • Special Needs

    Seasonal Needs Changes in the outdoor temperature at every season will require you to make seasonal adjustments to the temperature and humidity controls for your reptile or amphibian. Because the tolerance ranges for herptiles are small, you’ll need to keep track of the temperatures in your enclosure

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  • Special Needs

    Travel Moving a small animal from place to place, even in a cage, is highly stressful to them. Except for vet visits and a permanent move, it isn’t worth the risk of traveling with them. When you do need to take them out, use a carrier. Be sure it has plenty of substrate material so your pet can burrow

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  • Special Needs

    Travel Because rabbits are more often prey than predator in the wild, they experience a great deal of stress whenever their environment changes. Traveling is stressful for rabbits and should generally be avoided. However, when you do need to travel with your rabbit, remember that you still need to be

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  • Stages of Life

    Like people, dogs behaviors and health change through different stages of their lives. By knowing what to expect, you won't be thrown off balance when your dog suddenly adopts a unexpected behavior or shows signs of "unlearning" behaviors you thought it had mastered. Puppies Adolescence Old Age

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  • Types of Birds

    Color. Song. Playfulness. These are some of the reasons people choose birds for pets. Birds don't take up a lot of space and they are very social creatures. Pet birds fall into two categories: the parrot-types and the non-parrot species. Parrots are characterized by a curved shape of their beaks. They

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  • Types of Reptiles

    Reptiles and amphibians together are known as herptiles. These animals are grouped together because they are ectothermic, which means that they cannot regulate their body temperature internally, but must use their environments to control temperature. Common temperature-regulating activities include basking

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